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CBHS Client Satisfaction Report Spring 2014


CBHS Adult and Older Adult Client Satisfaction Report Spring 2014

The Adult and Older Adult Client Satisfaction Survey was provided to clients from April 28th-May 2nd, 2014. Consumers were asked to indicate their agreement on a 5‐point scale, with 5 denoting "Strongly Agree" and 1 denoting "Strongly Disagree." Overall satisfaction for a program was determined by the percentage of surveys with a mean greater than 3.5 on MHSIP questions 1-3 and 5-20.


Child, Youth and Family Client Satisfaction Report Spring 2014

The Child, Youth and Family Client Satisfaction Survey was provided to clients from April 28th-May 2nd, 2014. Consumers were asked to indicate their agreement on a 5‐point scale, with 5 denoting "Strongly Agree" and 1 denoting "Strongly Disagree." Overall satisfaction for a program was determined by the percentage of surveys with a mean greater than 3.5 on YSS and YSS-F questions 1-7 and 9-15.


CBHS Substance Abuse Client Satisfaction Report Spring 2014

The Substance Abuse Client Satisfaction Survey was provided to clients from April 28th-May 2nd, 2014. Consumers were asked to indicate their agreement on a 5‐point scale, with 5 denoting "Strongly Agree" and 1 denoting "Strongly Disagree." Overall satisfaction for a program was determined by the percentage of surveys with a mean greater than 3.5 on questions 1-10.