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Environmental Health

E-Cigarettes Restrictions

Legislation Restricting the Sale, Manufacture, and Distribution of Tobacco Products, Including Electronic Cigarettes was passed by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors and approved by the Mayor on June 28, 2019. These laws were effective starting January 29, 2020 as San Francisco Health Code, Articles 19R and 19S. 


The informational postcard pictured below is available in multiple languages.

tobacco homepage Tobacco Program Home Page E-Cig Postcard in Multiple Languages


How do we define e-cigarette?

An E-cigarette is any device or delivery system sold in combination with nicotine for a single price which can be used to deliver to a person nicotine in aerosolized or vaporized form. An E-cigarettes may also be known as e-cigar, e-pipe, vape pen, or e-hookah or other names. The definition of E-cigarettes includes any liquid or substance containing nicotine, whether sold separately or sold in combination with any device that could be used to deliver to a person nicotine in aerosolized or vaporized form.

Examples of E-cigarettes are:
  • Nicotine Pod or E-liquid (sold without device)
  • Vape Starter Kit with Nicotine (sold together under a single price)
Electronic cigarettes do not include:
  • Any device not sold in combination with any liquid or substance containing nicotine (Example – Vape Pen without nicotine).
  • Any battery, battery charger, carrying case, or other accessory not used in the operation of the device if sold separately.
E-cigarettes that may be sold in San Francisco

For information on products eligible to be sold in San Francisco, please visit the FDA website of Tobacco Product Marketing Orders.

For assistance with your business, please contact the Office of Small Business located at: City Hall, Room 140, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94103




Making a Complaint

If you would like to make a complaint regarding the illegal sale of tobacco to minors or a related tobacco sales complaint, call 311.

311 City Customer Service Agency - Service 24x7

San Francisco Department of Public Health Environmental Health Branch