
Supporting the Continuing Shelter Operations at Mission Rock, and Further Working On the Development of a Shelter Policy Extending Beyond Operation of This Facility To Emphasize Exits From Homelessness, Rather Than Warehousing of Individuals, April 21, 1998

WHEREAS, the winter storms created an emergency situation causing many people to lose their homes; and,

WHEREAS, the impact on the homeless population was devastating, with many individuals seeking shelter who do not normally use City shelters; and,

WHEREAS, the Mayor directed the Office of Emergency Services to declare an emergency situation and open up shelters; and,

WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors concurred with the Mayor's recommendation; and,

WHEREAS, the Health Department provided medical care, TB screening and mental health and substance abuse counseling at the shelters; and,

WHEREAS, the Department of Public Health contracted with Chemical Awareness and Treatment Services (C.A.T.S.) to manage operations at the emergency continuation shelter at Mission Rock; and,

WHEREAS, the Mission Rock Shelter has been a huge success, housing about 650 individuals a day, and providing counseling, intervention and referrals to those in need; and,

WHEREAS, the ongoing shelters in the City continue to operate at full capacity and the City's clinics and hospitals continue high utilization; now, therefore, be it,

RESOLVED, that the San Francisco Health Commission endorses the Department's role in the Mission Rock Shelter; and, be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, that the San Francisco Health Commission supports the Department's continuing the contracting with Chemical Awareness and Treatment Services to manage the shelter; and, be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, that the San Francisco Health Commission approves of the Department's leadership in providing this vulnerable population with access to appropriate health care and services; and, be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Health Commission encourages the Department to work with other City Departments, the Mayors Office and homeless advocates in the development of a shelter strategy for this population currently housed at Mission Rock to ensure a continuation of services beyond next April when the site is demolished, with a strong emphasis on creating exits from homelessness.

I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was adopted by the Health Commission at its meeting of Tuesday, April 21, 1998.

Sandy Ouye Mori, Executive Secretary to the Health Commission