
Supporting a Strategic Direction of Developing Alternatives to Institutional Care and Requesting the Department to Develop Specific Proposals to Decrease Institutional Care and Increase Alternative Programs Resolution #35-98, November 17, 1998

WHEREAS, the institutional facilities operated by the San Francisco Department of Public Health are at full capacity; and,

WHEREAS, most persons prefer to be in a non-institutional settings if they do not need institutional care, but the Department often cannot discharge persons from our institutions because of a lack of appropriate alternative settings; and,

WHEREAS, providing care in alternative settings will be more cost-effective, resulting in cost savings that can be used to support a variety of programs within the Health Department; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the Health Commission supports the strategic direction of developing alternatives to institutional care; and, be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Health Commission directs the Department to bring forward specific proposals that would maintain appropriate levels and quality of care, and generate cost savings by decreasing our reliance on institutional care.

I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was adopted by the Health Commission at its meeting of Tuesday, November 17, 1998.

Sandy Ouye Mori, Executive Secretary to the Health Commission