Resolutions and Policies

Approved by the San Francisco Health Commission, resolutions and policies are  published as part of the minutes and are listed and linked here for your review.


Honoring Tomas J. Aragon, MD, DrPH

Honoring All Laguna Honda and Rehabilitation Center Staff Members and Residents


Honoring All Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital Staff Members

Resolution to Recommend to the BOS to Authorize the DPH to Accept and Expend a Gift of $200,000 to the LHH Gift Fund form the Joan Kelly-Ryder Trust

Honoring Tosan O. Boyo, MPH, FACHE

Honoring Maria X Martinez

Health Equity Resolution Declaring Anti-Black Racism a Human Rights and Public Health Crisis in San Francisco

Approving the Appointment of Marlo Simmons, MPH as Interim Director of the San Francisco Mental Health Plan

Honoring Stephanie Cushing, MSPH, CHMM, REHS

Resolution Authorizing the DPH to Recommend to the BOS to Accept and Expend a Gift of $125,652 to the LHH Gift Fund from the Friends of LHH

Honoring the San Francisco Department of Public Health for Its Ongoing Response to the COVID-19 Health Crisis

Resolution Authorizing the DPH to Recommend to the BOS to Accept and Expend a Gift of $79,453.oo to the Laguna Honda Gift Fund from the Friends of Laguna Honda

Honoring Health Commissioner James "Jimmy" Loyce for His Many Contributions to the San Francisco Department of Public Health

Approving the DPH 2020 State and Federal Legislative Plans

Honoring Winona Mindolovich


Honoring Alice Chen

Determining that the Closure of the Cardiovascular Surgery Program at St. Mary's Medical Center Will Have a Determental Impact on Health Care Services in the Community

Determining that the Closure of St. Mary's Spine Center Will Not Have a Detrimental Impact on Health Care Services in the Community

Approving the Appointment of Irene Sung, MD As Interim Director of the San Francisco Mental Health Plan

Resolution in Support of the 2019 Community Health Needs Assessment

Approving Changes to the Sliding Scale Program and Endorsing Changes to Patient Billing and Financial Assistance Programs

Resolution of Commitment to Trauma Care

Resolution Honoring David J. Sanchez, Jr., Ph.D

Incarceration Is a Public Health Issue

Resolution to Recommend to the BOS to Authorize the DPH to Accept and Expend a Gift of $200,000.00 ot the LHH Gift Fund from the Richard and Bonnie Green Survivor's Trust

Approving the SFDPH's 2019 State and Federal Legislative Plans

Resolution Supporting Food Security in San Francisco and Endorsing the Recommendations of the Food Security Task Force 2018 Assessment of Food Security in San Francisco

Resolution Authorizing the DPH to Recommend to the BOS to Accept and Expend Retroactively a Gift of $141,000.00 to the LHH Gift Fund from the Friends of Laguna Honda


Determining the Impact of the Change in Management of Five Outpatient Departments from California Pacific Medical Center to Sutter Pacific Medical Foundation

Determining the Impact of the Change in Licensure of CPMC Irene Swindells Adult Day Program from Both CPMC and Institute on Aging to Solely the Institute on Aging

Acknowledging the Work of Barbara Garcia and Honoring Her Many Contributions to the San Francisco Department of Public Health

Determining That The Closure of the CPMC Irene Swindells Alzheimer Residential Care Program Will Have a Detrimental Impact on Health Care Services in the Community

Amending the Healthcare Accountability Ordinance Minimum Standards

Endorsing the San Francisco Safe Injection Services Task Force's Final Report and Recommendations


Resolution In Support of Vision Zero and Automated Speed Enforcement

Resolution in Honor of Edwin Mah Lee

Resolution in Honor of Colleen Chawla

Approving the San Francisco Department of Public Health's 2018 State and Federal Legislative Plans

Resolution Determining That The Closure of The Skilled Nursing Facility Unit At CPMC St. Luke's Hospital Will Have a Detrimental Impact On The Health Care Services In The Community

Resolution Determining That The Closure of The PROS And Wound Clinic At Dignity St. Mary's Medical Center San Francisco Will Have a Detrimental Impact on Health Care Services In The Community

Resolution in Honor of Dr. Marcellina Obgu

Resolution Endorsing San Francisco's Climate and Health Adaptation Framework and Affirming the Commission's Commitment to Combat Climate Change

In Support of Proposed Board of Supervisors Ordinance Prohibiting the Sale of Menthol and Other Flavored Tobacco Products in San Francisco

In Support of Vision Zero, The Goal of Zero Traffic Deaths in San Francisco by 2024, and The 2017-2018 Action Strategy

Resolution Approving The San Francisco Department of Public Health's 2017 State and Federal Legislative Plans

Resolution In Support Of The Implementation Of The California End Of Life Option Act In The San Francisco Health Network

Resolution Authorizing The Department of Public Health To Recommend To the Board of Supervisors To Accept And Expend Retroactively A Gift Of $80,000 To the LHH GIft Fund From Molly Fleischner


Resolution Recommending that the Board of Supervisors Approve Lease Agreements for the Installation of Necessary Equipment for Paging and Cellular Services at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center

Resolution Making CEQA Findings and Approving a Ground Lease and Lease Dispositon and Development Agreement Between the City and County of San Francisco and the Regents of the University of California for Purposes fo Building a New Research Facility at the ZSFG Campus and Trauma Center

Resolution Amending the Healthcare Accountability Ordinance Minimum Standards

Resolution Endorsing the Recommendations from the Health Impact Assessment Report Titled "Single Room Occupancy Hotels in San Francisco: A Health Impact Assessment"

Resolution of Committment to Trauma Care

Resolution Recommending the Board of Supervisors Accept a Gift of $2,625,000 from the San Francisco General Hospital Foundation for the Procurement of Furniture, Fixtures, Equipment and Information Technology for the Priscilla Chan and Mark Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center

Resolution in Support of the 2016 Community Health Assessment

Resolution In Support of Vision Zero and Automated Speed Enforcement

Resolution Recommending that the Board of Supervisors Accept the Shares of Common Stock of Vizient Inc. (Vizient), Distributed by University HealthSystem Consortium (UHC0 in Relation to UHC's Merger wtih VHA Inc., Forming Vizent; and Authorizing the Director of Health (Director) to Enter into an Agreement wtih Vizient to Accept the Distribution of the Vizient Shares, Including the Eleventh Amended Stockholders' Agreement and the Joinder to the Amended and Restated Stockholders' Agreement

Resolution Authorizing the Department of Public Health to Recommend to the Board of Supervisors to Accept and Expend Retroactively a Bequest from Norma Parenti and Accumulated Interest in the Sum of $26,673.29 to the Laguna Honda Gift Fund

Resolution in Support of the Director of Health's (Director) Decision to Seek Approval from the BOS that the the Competitive Solicitation Process Will Not Apply to the Procurement fo a Modern, Secure and Fully Integrated Electronic Health Record System (EHR) to Replace teh Department's Current System and to Allow the Direct to Enter Into Negotiations for the EHR System

Resolution Approving Support for the City and County of San Francisco to Amend the Health Code to Prohibit Retailers from Selling Tobacco Products, Including Smokeless Tobacc and Electronic Cigarettes, to Persons Aged 18, 19, or 20

Resolution Authorizing the DPH to Recommend to the BOS to Accept and Expend Retroactively a Gift of $100,000 to the LHH Gift Fund from Ms. Molly Fleishner


Resolution Approving a Proposal by the SFDPH to Modernize the City Option and to Explore an Employee Wellness Fund

Resolution in Support of Naming the General Medicine Clinic at SFGH the Richard H. Fine People's Clinic

Resolution Approving the Conveyance of an Easement for Overhead Electrical Facilities at the Priscilla and Mark Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center to Pacific Gas and Electric Company; Adopting Findings Under the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"), CCEQA Guidelines and San Francisco Administrative Code Chapter 31, Including the Adopition of a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and a Statement of Overriding Considerations; and Directing the Director of Health to Seek Approval of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors

Resolution Requesting Sale and Retention of the Proceeds of All Stocks in the Laguna Honda Resident Gift Fund

Determining the Impact of the Closure of 32 Short-Term Skilled Nursing Faciilty Beds at St. Mary's Medical Center on the Health Care Services in the Community

Resolution Endorsing a Non-Binding Term Sheet Between the City and County of San Francisco and the Regents of the University for a Ground Lease of the B/C Lot at the Priscilla and Mark Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center for the Purpose of Building a New UCSF Research Facility and Directing Department of Public Health Staff to Seek an Endorsement of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors

Resolution Authorizing the Department of Public Health to Recommend to the Board of Supervisors to Accept and Expend Retroactively a Gift of $400,000 and Another Gift fo $100,000 from Dr. Milka Rols.

Resolution To Support the Codification of California State A.B. 1147 and Additional Amendments to Increase Health and Safety of Massage Establishments

In Support of Improving the Oral Health of All Children in the City and County of San Francisco

Resolution in Support of Resolving Projected Transportation and Parking Issues at San Francisco General Hospital

Resolution Authorizing the Department of Public Health to Accept a Gift of $57,375,000 from the San Francisco General Hospital Foundation, and Approving a Gift Agreement with the San Francisco General Hospital Foundation

Approving the SF DPH’s 2015 State and Federal Legislative Plans


Resolution Supporting Palliative Care and the Recommendations of the Palliative Care Task Force  

Recommending that the Health Care Services Master Plan Consistency Determination for Jewish Home's Proposed Project Be Considered Consistent and Recommended for Incentives

Resolution Authorizing the DPH LHH to Enter into the California Department of Transportation's Standard Agreement to Acquire Two Medium Sized Transit Shuttle Vehicles as Part of the Federal Transportation Administration Section 5310 Program

Resolution Authorizing the DPH LHH to Enter into the California Department of Transportation's Standard Agreement to Acquire One Large Transit Shuttle Vehicle as Part of the Federal Transportation Administration Section 5310 Program

Amending the Healthcare Accountability Ordinance Minimum Standards

Supporting the Availability of Health Care Services to Meet the Needs of Unaccompanied Immigrant Central American Youth

Approving Eligibility Changes to Healthy San Francisco and the City Option MRA to Align With and Support the Affordable Care Act and Findings and Guiding Priciples of the 2013 Univeral Healthcare Council Final Report

Approving the Submission of an Update Institutional Master Plan for SFGH as Required by City Planning Code Section: 304.5

Resolution Honoring Commissioner Sonia Melara, MSW

Determining that the Closure of 24 Skilled Nursing Facility Beds at California Pacific Medical Center Will Have a Detrimental Impact on Health Care Services In the Community

Resolution In Support of the SFDPH Population Health Division Strategic Plan

Resolution Supporting the Framing of the Care Task Force Recommendations and SFDPH's Proposed Approach to Prioritized Recommendations

In Support of Vision Zero and the Goal of Zero Traffic Deaths in San Francisco by 2024

In Support of the Long-Term Care Integration Strategic Plan for San Francisco

In Support of the Findings of the 2013 Universal Healthcare Council and Requesting Further Study of San Francisco's Uninsured and the Healthy San Francisco Program

Resolution In Support of Decreasing Sugary Beverage Consumption in the City and County fo San Francisco

Resolution on Contract Contingency Policy


Endorsing an Ordinance to Update the SF Health Code Article 38 Enhanced Ventilation Required for Urban Infill Sensitive Use Development in the Air Pollutant Exposure Zone, and Corresponding Director's Rules and Regulations

Resolution Recommending that the Board of Supervisors Adopt the Health Services Master Plan As An Official Plan of the City and County of San Francisco

Resolution Supporting a Health Impact Assessment of Food Security for Residents fo Single Room Occupancy Hotels

Resolution Authorizing the Department of Public Health-Laguna Honda Hospita and Rehabilitation Center to Accept and Expend Retroactively a Gift of Cash Value of Up to Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars to the Laguna Honda Palliative and Hospice Fund from the Patricia L. Strong Trust.

Honoring Public Health Week

Resolution in Honor of Tangerine Brigham

Resolution of Committment to Trauma Care at SFGH

Resolution Honoring Catherine Waters, RN, Ph.D

Resolution Supporting the San Francisco Department of Public Health Participation in the Community Independence Pilot Project

Endorsing San Francisco's Community Health Improvement Plan

Resolution Endorsing the Emergency Medical Services Agency Strategic Plan


Approving the Department of Public Health 2013 Federal and State Legislative Plans

Resolution Honoring Commissioner Margine Sako

Resolution Approving the Amendment to the Regulations Implementing Healthy San Francisco and Medical Reimbursement Account Provisions of the San Francisco Health Care Security Ordinance

Resolution Amending the Healthcare Accountability Ordinance Minimum Standards

Resolution Adopting the Five-Year Budget Priorities and the Five-Year Budget Evaluation Criteria

Resolution Authorizing the DPH Laguna Honda Hospital and Rehabilitation Center to Accept and Expend Retroactively a Gift of Cash Value of Up to Five Hundred Thousand Dollars to the Laguna Honda Gift Fund From the Knight Living Marital Trust

Resolution Authorizing the DPH to Enter an Agreement with the County of Los Angeles for the Purpose of Paying California Department of Health Care Services' Administrative Costs Related to the Low Income Health Program

Resolution Endorsing an Ordinance to Create a Non-Potable Water Program

Resolution Giving Approval to the Department of Public Works to Use the Integrated Project Delivery Method as Specified in the City's Adminstration Code, Sec. 6.68 for the SFGH Building 5 Accessibility Compliance Improvement Projects

Resolution to Support Setting Limits to the Number of Tobacco Retail Permits in All Supervisorial Districts in San Francisco

Requesting that the Mayor Protect Funding for Public Health Programs and Services

Recommendations to Encourage Adquate Physical Activity and Health Eating for Students in San Francisco Public Schools

Resolution Supporting the San Francisco Department of Public Health's Participation in and Submission of a Grant Proposal Under the Health Care Innovation Challenge Initiative

Resolution Approving the DPH 2012 Federal and State Legislative Plans


Resolution Supporting the Intent of the Amendments to the San Francisco Health Care Security Ordinance

Resolution Endorsing the DPH Proposal to Regulate E-Cigarettes

Resolution Supporting the Recommendations of the San Francisco Health Reform Task Force

Resolution Commending Chinese Hospital Association of San Francisco (CHASF) on Its Plan To Rebuild and Making Specific Recommendations to CHASF as Part of the Instituational Master Plan (IMP) Process

Resolution Approving the Submission of the Department of Public Health's Base Budget for Fiscal Year 2011-12

Resolution Honoring Public Health Week 2011

Resolution Honoring Florence Stroud

Resolution Honoring Randy Allgaier


Resolution Regarding Hunter's Point Shipyard

Resolution of Commitment to Trauma Care at San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center
Priorities for Making Final Budget Decisions for FY 2010-2011
Approving the Submission of the Department of Public Health's Budget for Fiscal Year 2010-11
Honoring Public Health Week, April 5-9, 2010
Endorsing the 2010 San Francsico HIV Prevention Plan and the Department of Public Health's New Direction for HIV Prevention
Memorializing the Agreements Reached By the Health Commission and the California Pacific Medical Center Regarding Its Institutional Master Plan
Adopt the Ten Issue Areas of the San Francisco Health Report Card as the Priority Health Issue Areas for the Department of Public Health

Resolution Declaring Findings on the California Pacific Medical Center Institutional Master Plan
New Health Commission Committee Structure
Protecting A sustainable System of Care During Ongoing Fiscal Crisis
Joining Californians Allied fro Patient Protection (CAPP) and Urging the City to Opppose Any Legislation That Would Revise the Medical Injury Compensation Reform Act (MICRA) to Impede Access, to Increase Healthcare Costs, and Divert Helathcare Dollars from Patient Care
Resolution Commending the Conard House on Its 50th Anniversary
Urging Congress to Approve the Three-Year Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Modernization Act Reauthorization Before September 30, 2009
Urging Congress to Include a Public Option in Healthcare Reform Legislation
Urging the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors to Protect the Department of Public Health from Additional Cuts Due to State Budget Reductions
Declaring Findings of the California Pacific Medical Center Institutional Master Plan
Declaring 2009 Rethink Your Drink / Soda-Free Summer
Approving the Submission of the Department of Public Health's FY 2009-2010 Contingency Budget

Recognizing 80 Years of Outstanding and Continuous Public Health Services and 40 Since Ground-Breaking at Its Current Site, Caring For Residents and Chinese Immigrant Populations in the North East Neighborhoods of San Francisco

Approving Revisions to the Department of Public Health's FY2009-2010 Base Budget
Honoring Public Health Week, April 6 - 10, 2009
Honoring and Acknowledging Norma Hotaling and the Ongoing Work of Standing Against Global Exploitation (SAGE)

Approving Selected Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Mid-Year Cuts, and Urging the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors To Develop Strategies for Avoiding Serious Cuts To the County’s Health Safety Net Services

Approving the Submission of the Department of Public Health's FY 2009-2010 Base Budget

Resolution Acknowledging the Hard Work and Dedication of Gene Marie O’Connell and Honoring Ms. O’Connell for the Contributions She Has Made To the City and County of San Francisco

Renaming the SFGH Child Protection Center as the Ellen L. Wolfe Child Protection Center
Urging the Mayor to Protect Funding for Critical Programs and Services of the Department of Public Health
Determining That the Closure of the Geriatric Psychiatry Unit at California Medical Center Davies Campus Will Not Have a Detrimental Impact on the Health Care Service of the Community
Amending the Minimum Standards and Supporting Other Modifications To the Healthcare Accountability Ordinance
Approving Principles To Guide Development of Public Health’s Budget for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 and Attachment A

Endorsing the Findings of the Blue Ribbon Committee for the Rebuilding of St. Luke’s Hospital

Supporting Rebuilding San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center and Placing a Bond Measure On the November 2008 Ballot
Endorsing the Proposed Ordinance To Prohibit Pharmacies From Selling Tobacco Products
Memorializing Clarendon Hall’s 100 Years of Service and Commending the Final Laguna Honda Staff Members To Serve There
Endorsing DPH-Wide Collaboration in a Childhood Unintentional Injury Prevention Program
Proclaiming June, July and August Of 2008 as “Soda Free Summer” in San Francisco City and County

Urging the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors To Restore Funding for Critical Department of Public Health Programs and Services

Approving the Submission of the Department of Public Health’s FY 2008-2009 Budget
Approving Selected Reduction Initiatives for the Department of Public Health for Fiscal Year 2008/09
Approving the Closure of the Bridge To Wellness Program

Approving Selected Fiscal Year 2007/2008 Mid-Year Cuts and Reduction Initiatives for the Department of Public Health for Fiscal Year 2008/09, and Urging the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors To Develop Strategies for Avoiding Serious Cuts To the County’s Health Safety Net Services with attachment

Authorizing Contract Between the City and County of San Francisco and State Department of Health Care Services For the Health Care Coverage Initiative In the Amount Of $73.1 Million To Support the Healthy San Francisco Program
Approving the Closure of the Worker’s Compensation Clinic at San Francisco General Hospital
Supporting Recommendations Contained In the Fiscal Year 2006 Charity Care Report
Supporting the Dust Control Ordinance


Determining That St. Luke’s Hospital’s Replacement of the Level 2 Neonatal Care Unit With a Special Care Nursery Will Have a Detrimental Impact On the Health of the Community

Accepting the Laguna Honda Hospital and Rehabilitation Center Assisted Living Feasibility Study

Approval of Principles To Guide Development of Public Health’s Budget for Fiscal Year 2008/09

Determining That the Closure of St. Francis Memorial Hospital’s Skilled Nursing Unit Will/Will Not Have a Detrimental Impact On the Health Care Service of the Community

Approving Regulations Implementing Healthy San Francisco and Medical Reimbursement Account Provisions of the San Francisco Health Care Security Ordinance
Approving the Healthy San Francisco Participant Fee and Point-Of-Service Fee Structure
Commending St. Joseph’s Health Support Alliance
Urging the Board of Supervisors To Fund Critical Department of Public Health Programs and Services
Reaffirming the Health Commission’s Commitment To Trauma Care at San Francisco General Hospital
Supporting the Adoption of Priority Funding Indicators To Identify Priority Populations And/Or Geographic Areas To Which Community Based Tobacco Control Funding Will Be Allocated
Approving the Update of the Laguna Honda Hospital and Rehabilitation Center 2007-2008 Strategic Plan
Approving Submission of the Department of Public Health’s Proposed Healty San Francisco: Our Health Access Program Augmentation Budget for Fiscal Year 2007-08
Urging the San Francisco Unified School District To Implement California Minor Consents Rights Into the Health Education Curriculum of All San Francisco Public High Schools
Resolution Authorizing the San Francisco Department of Public Health, Community Behavioral Health Services (SFDPH,CBHS) to enter into a Combined Net Negotiated Amount and Drug Medi-Cal Agreement with the State of California Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs (DADP) for the term of July 1, 2007, through June 30, 2010 in the amount of $55,825,476 as a condition of receiving state funds and Drug Medi-Cal reimbursement for substance abuse treatment and prevention; holding the State Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs harmless from any and all claims resulting from the agreement; authorizing and designating the Director of SFDPH,CBHS to sign said Agreement and to approve amendments for less than ten percent (10%) of the contracted amount.
Approving the Extension of the Terms of Fiscal Year 2006/07 Contracts Through the First Six Months of Fiscal Year 2007/08 for the Department of Public Health
Approving the Submission of the Department of Public Health’s Base Budget for Fiscal Year 2007-08

Supporting Recommendations Contained in the Fiscal Year 2005 Charity Care Report
Endorsing the Goal of Universal Hepatitis B Screening and Vaccination for Asian and Pacific Islander residents of San Francisco
Approving the Health Commission Attendance Policy
Endorsing the San Francisco Tobacco Free Coalition Proposed Policies to Expand Protections from Second Hand Smoke
Resolution Supporting Proposition 86, the Tobacco Tax Act of 2006
Resolution Opposing Proposition 85 - Waiting Period and Parental Notification Before Termination of Minor's Pregnancy
Adopting the DPH Healthy and Sustainable Food Policy

Opposition to Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Policy That Restricts Transitional Housing Funded Under the Ryan White Care Act to 24 Months

Establishing a Policy of Reviewing Budget Proposals Through the Joint Conference Committees Prior To a Full Hearing at The Health Commission
Resolution Urging Brown & Toland Medical Group To Allow Non-Exclusive Affiliation for Physicians of Chinese Hospital and Its Medical Group the Chinese Community Health Care Association
Resolution Approving the Submission of the Department of Public Health’s Contingency Budget for Fiscal Year 2006/07
Honoring Public Health Week, April 3-9, 2006
Resolution Approving Use of Interim Agreements To Extend the Terms of  Fiscal Year 2005/06 Contracts Into the First Six Months of Fiscal Year 2006/07 for the Department of Public Health
Approving the Submission of the Department of Public Health’s Base Budget for Fiscal Year 2006/07
Approving Fiscal Year 2006/07 Interim Agreements Incorporating an Extension of the Terms of Fiscal Year 2005/06 HIV Health Services Program Contracts for the Department of Public Health
Resolution Approving Fiscal Year 2006/2007 Interim Agreements Incorporating an Extension of the Terms of Fiscal Year 2005/06 Housing and Urban Health Program Contracts for the Department of Public Health
Resolution Recommending the Creation of a Community Living Trust Fund
Supporting Recommendations Contained in the Fiscal Year 2004 Charity Care Report Summary
Resolution Regarding the Merger of California Pacific Medical Center and St. Luke’s Hospital
Supporting the City’s Application to the State Of California To Fund the Community Services and Supports Component of the Mental Health Services Act
Accepting the Mayor’s Blue Ribbon Committee on San Francisco General Hospital’s Future Location’s Recommendation To Rebuild SFGH at Its Current Potrero Avenue Campus
Determining That the Closure of St. Luke’s Hospital Psychiatric/Behavioral Inpatient Unit Will Have a Detrimental Impact On the Health Care Service of the Community
Supporting the Deemed Approved Use Ordinance
Supporting Increased Fiscal Authority for the Health Commission and Department of Public Health and Supporting the Concept of Stable, Predictable and Adequate Funding for Health Services
Endorsing the Principles of the Strategic Alliance: “Taking Action for a Healthier California”
Opposition to California Medicaid Hospital Financing Waiver Currently Under Negotiations with the Federal Government
Approving The Homeless Death Count Form To Be Filed At The Time Of Registration Of The Death Certificate With Vital Statistics
Concurring With The Recommendation To Proceed With The Construction Of The East Building at Laguna Honda Hospital
Honoring Public Health Week, April 4 – 10, 2005
Approving the Submission of the Department of Public Health’s Base and Contingency Budget for Fiscal Year 2005/06, and Urging the Mayor and the Board Of Supervisors To Develop Strategies for Avoiding Serious Cuts To the County’s Health Safety Net Services
Concurring with the Recommendation to Proceed with Construction at Laguna Honda Hospital and Requesting that the Department of Public Health Bring Forward Options for the Completion of the Facility as Soon as Possible
Approving the Update of the Laguna Honda Hospital 18-Month Strategic Plan
Endorsement of the Emergency Medical Services and Emergency Operations Section Policy on Medical Plans for Mass Gatherings
Approving the Department of Public Health 2005 State Legislative Plan
Endorsing the Recommendations of the Childhood Nutrition and Physical Activity Task Force Report

Supporting Recommendations Contained In the Fiscal Year 2003 Charity Care Report Summary
Urging the Acceptance of Food Assistance at the Alemany Farmers Market
Authorizing the Director of Health To Enter Into an Interagency Cooperation Agreement In Furtherance of the Implementation of the Hunter's Point Shipyard Redevelopment Plan
Approving an Ordinance Adding Article 31 to the Health Code and Amending Sections 659, 1120.1 and 1227 of the Health Code to Establish Special Restrictions for Activities on the Hunters Point Shipyard To Address Potential Residual Contamination and To Authorize the Department Of Public Health To Implement These Restrictions, Impose Penalties, and Charge Fees To Defray the Costs of Implementation and Making Environmental Findings; and Approving Regulations Implementing the Proposed Ordinance
Adopting Findings Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act for the Hunters Point Shipyard Redevelopment Project
Authorizing the Proposed Fiscal Year 2004-2005 Mid-Year Budget Cuts
Endorsing the Update of the San Francisco Department of Public Health’s Strategic Plan
Proclaiming November 20th to December 20th of Each Year as Survivor of Homicide Victims Awareness Month in San Francisco.
Approving the Reconfiguration of Emergency Medical Services in the San Francisco Fire Department
Authorizing the Executive Administrator of San Francisco General Hospital to Apply for Licenses to Treat Patients With Mental Illnesses and Appoint an Administrator to Each of the Licensed Facilities
Resolution Authorizing the Department of Public Health, San Francisco General Hospital To Accept a Gift of a Mobile Mammography Facility Vehicle and Associated Equipment, Valued At $432,716, Donated By The University Of California, San Francisco for Mobile Mammography Services to Indigent and Under-Served Women in San Francisco
Supporting Proposition 67, Emergency Medical Care Initiative
Supporting Principals For Medi-Cal Redesign
Supporting Proposition 63, The Mental Health Services Act
Supporting Proposition 72, the Health Insurance Act of 2003
Amending the Minimum Standards and Supporting Other Modifications To the Healthcare Accountability Ordinance
Regarding the Fiscal Year 2004-2005 Contingency Budget, and Urging the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors To Work Together To Minimize Reductions To Health Services
Urging the San Francisco Board of Supervisors To Authorize the Department of Public Health To Explore Joining the State Department Of General Services Pharmaceutical Purchasing Program To Ascertain the Potential Cost Benefits of Participation
Approving the Guidelines and Identifying the Diversion Programs Mandated By ‘Proposition M - Aggressive Solicitation Ban’ Passed By Voters In November 2003
Accepting the San Francisco General Hospital (SFGH) Rebuild Steering Committee Recommendations With Regard To Bed Count and Maintenance of Psychiatry Wards In Current Building, and Directing the Department To Further Study the Hospital Rebuild Options, Including Collocation With the University of California At San Francisco (UCSF)
Honoring Public Health Week, April 5 - 11, 2004
Approving the Submission of the Department of Public Health’s Base Budget for Fiscal Year 2004-05, and Urging the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors To Develop Strategies for Avoiding Serious Cuts To the County’s Health Safety Net Services
Resolution Opposing Reductions in San Francisco’s Ryan White Care Act Title I Award
Acknowledging February 2004 As “Children’s Dental Health Month” and Honoring the Agencies and Individuals Who Have Made a Difference With Children’s Dental Health In San Francisco
Accepting the Recommendations of the Mental Health Rehabilitation Facility (MHRF) Blue Ribbon Committee  and Authorizing that the Changes in MHRF Staffing  Be Submitted for the Department of Public Health 2004-05 Budget and that Changes in MHRF Licensure Be Pursued

Supporting of San Francisco's Charity Care Ordinance and Urging Full Compliance With Its Provisions
Supporting That San Francisco General Hospital Medical Center Meets Senate Bill 1953 Safety Standards By 2013, Encouraging Efforts To Identify Alternative Funding Sources, Supporting Further Discussions With UCSF On Co-Location and Encouraging Improved Community Outreach Strategies
Supporting Increased Autonomy and Fiscal Authority for the Health Commission and Department of Public Health, Supporting the Concept of Stable, Predictable and Adequate Funding for Health Services, and Urging Modifications and Enhancements to the Proposed Health Department Charter Amendment
Opposing Proposition 54
Supporting State Efforts to Increase Access to Health Care Coverage for the Uninsured
Supporting the Strategic Plan of the San Francisco Asthma Task Force to Promote Effective Asthma Management Prevention Strategies for San Francisco
Supporting the Women’s Health Plan: Partnering In Wellness With Women and Girls In San Francisco 2003-2006
Supporting Youth Involvement In the San Francisco Health Commission and Establishing a Youth Health Advisor Appointee To the Population Health and Prevention Joint Conference Committee
Approving an Extension of the Terms of Fiscal Year 2003/04 Behaviorial Health Contracts for the Department of Public Health
Approving an Extension of the Terms of Fiscal Year 2002-2003 AIDS Office Contracts for the Department of Public Health
Approving Renewal of Two (2) Master Contract Agreements With Siemens Medical Solutions Health Services Corporation (Remote Computing Option and Products and Services)
Rejecting the Department of Public Health’s Contingency Budget for Fiscal Year 2003-04, and Urging the Business Community, Organized Labor and Residents, To Work With the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors To Avoid Devastating Cuts To the County’s Health Safety Net Services
Resolution Honoring Dr. Evelyn Lee
Accepting the San Francisco General Hospital Air Medical Access Feasibility Study
Approving the Application for Licensure of the Chronic Renal Dialysis Center By San Francisco General Hospital To Provide Services To Patients of the City and County of San Francisco With End-Stage Renal Disease
Approving the Continued Provision of Surgical and Anesthesia Services By San Francisco General Hospital for Laguna Honda Hospital Residents and Patients, and a New Agreement That Memorializes This Arrangement
Supporting the Work of the Task Force To End the Exploitation of Youth
Approving the Department of Public Health’s Base Budget for Fiscal Year 2003-2004, and Urging the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors To Develop Strategies for Avoiding Serious Cuts To the County’s Health Safety Net Services


Approving a 3% General Fund Reduction To the Department of Public Health’s Budget For Fiscal Year 2002-03
Institutional Police To the San Francisco Sheriff’s Department and Authorizing the Director Of Health To Enter Into a Letter of Management Agreement Regarding This Transfer
Approving an Ordinance Increasing the Licensing Fee For Garbage Trucks and the Amount Deposited Into the Mandatory Refuse Collection Service Fund By Amending Section 249.6 of the San Francisco Business Tax Regulations Code and Section 10.100-7 of the San Francisco Administrative Code and Ratifying Past Actions Taken In Connection With Such Licensing Fee
Approving the Proposal For the Use of Smokeless Tobacco Settlement Funds
Adopting Findings Pursuant To the California Environmental Quality Act and Approving the Laguna Honda Hospital Replacement Project
Approving Ordinance Amendments To the San Francisco Health Code To Update Lead Hazard Definitions To Be Consistent With State and Federal Definitions
Concurring With the Analysis of Department Staff and Pending Controller’s Certification That the Laundry Services Can Be Performed For the Department of Public Health, Laguna Honda Hospital, By Private Contractor For a Lower Cost Than Similar Work Performed By City and County Employees
Authorizing the Department of Public Health, San Francisco General Hospital, To Accept a Gift of a Comprehensive Breast Center and Associated Equipment, Valued At $3,598.000, Donated By the Avon Products Foundation Through the San Francisco General Hospital Foundation, and Approving the Naming Of the Center "The Avon Foundation Comprehensive Breast Center"
Approving an Extension of the Terms of Fiscal Year 2002/03 Contracts For the Department of Public Health
Recognizing the Need For Increased Interdepartmental Coordination and Accountability In the Homeless Service Delivery System, Including Quantifiable Outcomes, and Supporting the Mayor’s Office of Homelessness In the Development of a Coordinated Intake Process For the Single Adult System
Honoring Public Health Week, April 1 - 7, 2002, No. 4-02
Approving the Department of Health’s Base Budget For Fiscal Year 2002-03, and Urging the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors To Maintain the Department of Health’s Safety Net Services, Resolution No. 3-02
Amending the Department of Public Health’s Policy Directive 24, Contractors’Compliance With Antidiscrimination Protections and Cultural Competency, and Adopting Guidelines For Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) In Health Care, Resolution No. 2-02
Commending the Start of Enrollment In the New Healthy Kids Program Offered Through the San Francisco Health Plan, Encouraging San Francisco Families To Obtain Health Coverage For Their Uninsured Children Regardless of Immigration Status, and Proclaiming January 13, 2002 “Healthy Kids Day” In the City and County of San Francisco, Resolution No. 1-02


Supporting San Francisco's Community Health Centers and Declaring August 19-25, 2001 Community Health Centers Week, Resolution No. 15-01
Approving the City and County of San Francisco 2001 Trauma Care System Plan Revision and Update, Resolution No. 14-01
Approving and Adopting Minimum Standards For Health Plan Benefits Required In the Healthcare Accountability Ordinance, Resolution No. 13-01
Declaring the Intent of the City and County of San Francisco Health Commission To Reimburse Certain Expenditures From Proceeds of Future Indebtedness and Approving and Ratifying Previous Actions (Regarding the Laguna Honda Hospital Replacement Program), Resolution No. 12-01
Determining Whether the Closure of the Adult Inpatient Psychiatric Program at St. Mary’s Medical Center Will Or Will Not Have a Detrimental Impact On the Health Care Service of the Community, Resolution No. 11-01
Approving an Extension of the Terms of the Fiscal Year 2000/01 Contracts For the Department of Public Health Population Health and Prevention and Community Health Network, Resolution No. 10-01
Revising the Department of Public Health’s Role In Long-Term Care Planning, and Participation In California’s Long-Term Care Integration Pilot Program (AB 1040), Resolution No. 9-01
Endorsing the Homeless Continuum of Care Plan and Urging the Board of Supervisors To Consider Adoption of the Plan, Resolution No. 8-01
Determining Whether the Closure of Certain Programs at St. Mary’s Medical Center Will Or Will Not Have a Detrimental Impact On Health Care Service of the Community, Resolution No. 7-01
Determining That the Affiliation Between Sutter Health and St. Luke’s Hospital Will Have a Detrimental Impact On the Health Care Service of the Community, Resolution No. 6-01
Endorsing the Principles of the Fiscal Year 2001-02 Budget, and Approving the Proposed Budget For Fiscal Year 2001-02, Resolution No. 05-01
Supporting Achievement of Universal Health Care  and Expanding Health Care Coverage To Uninsured Children and Youth, Resolution No. 4-01
Endorsing the San Francisco Department Of Public Health’s Strategic Plan – Leading the Way To a Healthier Community 2000, Resolution No. 03-01
Urging the San Francisco Board of Supervisors To Designate the Department of Public Health As the Lead Agency For Administration of Funds From the Substance Abuse Crime and Prevention Act of 2000, (Proposition 36), and To Establish a Substance Abuse Crime and Prevention Trust Fund, Resolution No. 02-01
Supporting the Rebuilding of San Francisco General Hospital, Resolution No. 1-01


Recognizing That October Is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and Supporting Placement Of "There’s No Excuse For Domestic Violence" Bumper Stickers On All Department of Public Health Vehicles, Resolution No. 13-00
Endorsing Stop Red Light Running Week, Resolution No. 12-00
Determining Whether the Closure of 20 Acute Care Beds and Inpatient/Outpatient Surgery At Pacific Coast Hospital Will Or Will Not Have a Detrimental Impact On the Health Care Service of the Community, Resolution No. 11-00
Adopting a Harm Reduction Policy For Substance Abuse, STD and HIV, Resolution #10-00
Adopting the Working Definition of Homelessness As the Department of Public Health Definition, Resolution #9-00
Authorizing the Director of Public Health To Act On Laguna Honda Hospital Medical Staff Recommendations Resolution  #8-00

Supporting the Continuation of San Francisco's Children's Amendment, Resolution #7-00

Affirming the Commitment of the Health Commission and The Department of Public Health To Compliance With All Applicable Federal, State and Local Laws, and The Program Requirements of Federal, State and Private Health Plans, and Directing the Department of Public Health To Develop and Implement a Departmentwide Compliance Program, Resolution # 6-2000

Approving a Proposal To Fund the Seismic, Life Safety and Critical Facility Improvement Project, Through General Obligation Bonds In the Amount Of $97 Million, To Be Placed On the Ballot For November 2000, Resolution # 5-2000

Honoring Young People and Their Vision of Healthy People In Healthy Communities For Public Health Week, April 3-9, 2000 Resolution # 4-2000

Appropriating Proposition A Funds For Tobacco Prevention and Control Activities In Fiscal Year 2000-01, Resolution # 3-2000

Increasing Fees To Cover the Cost of the Food Safety Program - Resolution # 2-2000

Approving The Department of Public Health's Proposed Budget For Fy 2000-01, Approving The Reallocation of Funds To Develop New Programs To Reduce the Need For Acute And Emergency Care, and Approving Cost Reductions Necessary To Absorb Cost Increases - Resolution #1-2000


Determining Whether the Elimination Or Curtailment of Health Services By the University of California (UCSFf)/Mount Zion Medical Center, Will or Will Not Have a Detrimental Impact On the Health Service of the Community (Resolution No. 28-99, December 21, 1999)

Supporting the Development and Implementation of a Voluntary Medical Cannabis Identification Card Program (Resolution No. 29-99, December 21, 1999)

Endorsing Recommendations of the Strategic Planning Steering Committee and Other Department Committees Setting Priorities For the FY 2000-2001 Budget (Resolution No. 30-99, December 21, 1999)

Supporting the Family Focused Care Committee of the Children's System of Care Planning Council, "A Message from Parents and Families To Service Providers" (July 6, 1999)

Proposed Ordinance to Transfer Authority of Regulation of the Massage Industry From the Police Department To The Department of Public Health, By Repealing San Francisco Police Code, Article 27, and Adding Article 28, Sections 1800 To 1828, To the San Francisco Health Code, Authorizing the Director Of Public Health To Regulate Massage Establishments and Massage Services, Setting New Criteria For the Issuance and Revocation of Massage Permits, Changing Certain Operating Requirements of Massage Establishments, Setting New Penalties For the Violation of Massage Provisions, and Continuing An Application Fee, an Identification Card Fee and a Permit Fee (July 6, 1999)

Supporting the Concept and Further Development of a San Francisco Program For Office-Based Physician Prescription of Methadone and Other Effective Pharmacologic Agents For the Treatment of Opiate Addiction (July 7, 1999)

Supporting the ``Building a Healthier San Francisco Collaborative: A Citywide Collaborative Community Assessment" Report (June 15, 1999)

Authorizing the Department of Public Health's Population Health Records and Statistics Section To Begin Accepting and Processing Passport Applications Pursuant To a Designation of Authority From the United States Department of State (June 15, 1999)

Endorsing Modifications In the Laguna Honda Hospital Replacement Bond Project, June 1, 1999

Supporting Measures To Reduce Youth Suicide and Related High Risk Behaviors That Place Youth At Risk of Injury and/or Death, June 1, 1999

Supporting Rebuilding Laguna Honda Hospital and Placing a Bond Measure On the November 1999 Ballot, May 4, 1999

Adopting Regulation For the Orderly Issuance of Refuse Collection Permit For Non-Federal Facilities at Treasure Island and Yerba Buena Island, May 4, 1999

Revising the Federal Facilities Refuse Collection Permit Regulation To Harmonize It With Refuse Collection Permit Regulation For Non-Federal Facilities At Treasure Island and Yerba Buena Island, May 4, 1999

Recognizing That the Current Housing Crisis Poses a Serious Barrier To the Promotion of Effective Public Health Practices (April 20, 1999)

Supporting the San Francisco Department of Public Health Adoption of a Pilot Project Implementing a Non-Names Based HIV Reporting System (April 20, 1999)

Authorizing the Department of Public Health To Expend Funds and Add Staff Resources To Replace Grant Funded Home Health Contractual Services With Services Provided By City Staff (April 6, 1999)

Recommending the Approval of Ordinance Amendments To Articles 21, 21a and 22 of the Health Code Containing Fee Increases For Businesses Regulated Under the Hazardous Materials Unified Program Agency (April 6, 1999)

Honoring the Contribution of the Advisory Groups to the San Francisco Department of Public Health In Celebration of Public Health Week, April 5-9, 1999 (April 6, 1999)

Proclaiming the Month of April In San Francisco As Sexually Transmitted Diseases Awareness Month (April 6, 1999)

Amending the Department of Public Health's Policy Directive #24, Ethnicity and Gender of Staff and Board of Directors; and Renaming the Policy to: Contractors' Compliance With Antidiscrimination Protections and Cultural Competency (March 16, 1999)

Accepting and Approving the Community Health Network Strategic Plan For 1999, Resolution 2-99, January 19, 1999

Recommending That a High Priority Be Given To Preventive and Clinical Health Services In San Francisco's Strategic Plan, To Improve Early Childhood Development Pursuant To Proposition 10, Resolution 3-99, January 19, 1999


Approving the Formation of the Medical Practice Group of the Community Health Network, Resolution 38-98, December 15, 1998

Endorsing the Findings and Recommendations of the 1998 Director of Health's Annual Report On the Comprehensive Environmental Lead Poisoning Prevention Program, Resolution  #37-98, December 1, 1998

Approving Revisions to the Community Health Network's Sliding Fee Policy for the Department of Public Health Resolution #34-98, November 17, 1998

Supporting a Strategic Direction of Developing Alternatives to Institutional Care and Requesting the Department to Develop Specific Proposals to Decrease Institutional Care and Increase Alternative Programs Resolution #35-98, November 17, 1998

Endorsing the Department of Public Health's Commitment to Balance the 1988-99 Budget Within Internal Resources, and Supporting the Department's Plan To Reduce Expenditures for the Current Year  Resolution #36-98, November 17, 1998

Establishing a Year 2000 Compliance Policy, and Directing the Department of Public Health To Implement Its Year 2000 Readiness Plan. September 29, 1998

Recommending Ordinance Changes To Authorize the Director of Health To Enter Into and Execute Written Agreements With Mutual Indemnification Provisions On Behalf of The City and County of San Francisco, With Five Health and Medical Service Providers: the Regents of the University of California, UCSF/Stanford Health Care, Alameda County, San Mateo County, and the San Francisco Unified School District, September 15, 1998

Endorsing the Recommendations To Improve Long-Term Care Service Delivery Contained In the Proposal For a Long-Term Care Integration Pilot Project, September 15, 1998

Resolution Reaffirming The Department of Public Health's Vision Statement and Restating The Mission Statement, September 1, 1998

Affirming Commitment of the Health Commission and the Community Health Network To Compliance With All Applicable Federal and State Laws, and the Program Requirements of Federal, State and Private Health Plans, and Directing The Community Health Network To Develop and Implement a Compliance Program, August 4, 1998

Supporting a General Obligation Bond to Rebuild and Retrofit Laguna Honda Hospital, July 21, 1998

Approving a Proposal to Provide Health Insurance to In-Home Supportive Services Workers Providing Care to Medi-Cal Recipients Who Reside In San Francisco, July 21, 1998

Supporting the San Francisco Healthy Cities: CHIPPS Senior Injury Prevention Collaborative Project, July 7, 1998

Supporting the Recommendations of the Mayor's Blue Ribbon Committee On Universal Health Care, June 16, 1998

Approving a Revised Maternity Fee Package for the Community Health Network, June 16, 1998

Determining Whether the Closure of the Obstetrics Inpatient Service at St. Mary's Medical Center Will Or Will Not Have a Detrimental Impact On Health Care Service of the Community, June 16, 1998

Supporting the Development and Implementation of a Department of Public Health Employee Recognition Program, May 19, 1998

Supporting the Continuing Shelter Operations at Mission Rock, and Further Working On the Development of a Shelter Policy Extending Beyond Operation of This Facility To Emphasize Exits From Homelessness, Rather Than Warehousing of Individuals, April 21, 1998

Directing the Community Health Network To Develop a New Ambulatory Care and Research Center At San Francisco General Hospital, April 21, 1998

Endorsing the Designation of May 6-12, 1998 as Nurses' Week In The City and County of San Francisco, April 7, 1998

Authorizing Approval of Revision of the San Francisco Adult Day Health Care County Plan, April 7, 1998

Supporting the Department of Public Health's FY 1998-2001 Comprehensive Tobacco Control Plan and Budget, April 7, 1998

Approving the Plan for Expending the Mangini Settlement Funds for Tobacco Prevention, April 7, 1998

Directing the Department of Public Health To Respond To the Physical Plant Issues At Laguna Honda Hospital, April 7, 1998

Supporting the Concept of a City and County Ombudsprogram To Advocate for Health Care Consumers, March 17, 1998

Endorsing a Response To a Request From the Health, Family and the Environment Committee of the Board of Supervisors, To Submit a Proposal To Address the Problems of Asthma and Breast, Cervical and Prostate Cancer In the Bayview Hunters Point Community, March 17, 1998

Supporting the Consumer Bill of Rights and Responsibilities As Endorsed By President Bill Clinton and Recommended By the Advisory Commission On Consumer Protection and Quality In the Health Care Industry, March 3, 1998

Creating a Department of Public Health Reserve To Guard Against Future Funding Uncertainties, February 17, 1998

Expanding Services for Housing for the Homeless, for Prevention of Illness, and for Maintaining and Expanding Existing Management Information System (MIS) and Other Infrastructure Within the Department, February 17, 1998

Determining Whether the Relocation of Obstetrics Service From Chinese Hospital To California Pacific Medical Center Will Or Will Not Have a Detrimental Impact On Health Care Service of the Community, February 3, 1998

Submitting the Name of Mitchell H. Katz, M.D. To the Mayor for Appointment As Director of the Department of Public Health, February 3, 1998

Endorsing Efforts To Develop Proposals To Address Asthma and Breast and Cervical Cancer In Bayview Hunters Point, January 20, 1998

Supporting the Regionalization of Level 1 Trauma Services At San Francisco General Hospital Into San Mateo County, and Counties In Need of Trauma Care, As Long As There Is No Negative Impact To the City and County of San Francisco, January 20, 1998

Approving a Proposal To Provide Health Insurance To In Home Supportive Services Workers Providing Care To Medi-Cal Recipients Who Reside In San Francisco, January 20, 1998

Endorsing the Department of Public Health's Initiation of a Management Internship Program At the Community Health Network (CHN), January 6, 1998

Urging Recommendations for Programmatic and Operational Components of the California Healthy Families Program, January 6, 1998


Endorsing the San Francisco Mental Health Plan's Intent To Provide a Single Standard of Access and Care for San Francisco Indigent and Uninsured Residents and Medi-Cal Beneficiaries, December 9, 1997

Appointing a Medicaid 1115 Waiver Planning Committee, December 9, 1997

Supporting the Provision of Pharmaceutical Services To Only Those Patients Referred From Providers In the Community Health Network, November 18, 1997

Commending the Support of the California Integrated Waste Management Board for the Cleanup of the Mobile Debris Box Disposal Service Site, November 18, 1997

Authorizing the Use of the Mental Health Rehabilitation Facility As Collateral In a Lease Financing Arrangement for the 911 System, November 4, 1997

Supporting the Commission On the Status of Women's Efforts To Seek Ratification of the Convention On the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and To Implement This Convention at Local Levels In the City and County Of San Francisco, October 21, 1997

Endorsing the Department of Public Health's Collaboration In a New Masters of Public Health Program at San Francisco State University, October 7, 1997

Approving a Policy On Contract Modification, October 7, 1997

Approving the Principles for Granting Merit Increases To Contract Agencies, October 7, 1997

Resolution Commemorating October 1997 As Domestic Violence Awareness Month, October 7, 1997

Resolution Commemorating October 1997 As Breast Cancer Awareness Month, October 7, 1997

Endorsing the One Less Gun Campaign, September 2, 1997

Opposing the Current Proposal To Settle Lawsuits Against the Tobacco Companies Presented To Congress and President Bill Clinton, August 5, 1997

Supporting the San Francisco Healthy Cities: CHIPPS Senior Injury Prevention Collaborative, August 5, 1997

Endorsing the Activities and Direction of the Bayview Hunters Point Health and Environmental Assessment Task Force, July 15. 1997

Approving the New Community Health Network Pharmacy Formulary, June 17, 1997

Supporting the Department of Public Health's Substance Abuse Treatment On Demand: First Steps Plan To Guide the Augmentation of Alcohol and Drug Services In Fiscal Year 1997-98, May 20, 1997

Authorizing the Department of Public Health, Division of Mental Health, To Assume Responsibility for Medi-Cal Authorization and Payment of the State/Local Match for All Medically Necessary Mental Health Services for San Francisco Medi-Cal Beneficiaries, April 22, 1997

Authorizing the Director of Health To Enter Into a Contract With Public Health Foundation Enterprises, Inc. To Engage In a Preventive HIV Vaccine Efficacy Trial, April 8, 1997

Approving the Department Of Public Health Records Management Program: Policies and Procedures, March 4, 1997

Endorsing the Policy of Routine Domestic Violence Screening of All Women and Girls In All Healthcare Settings and Encouraging All Healthcare Professionals To Develop, Adopt, and Implement Routine Domestic Violence Screening Protocols In All Healthcare Settings, Both Public and Private, February 18, 1997

Supporting the Department of Public Health's Request for Increased Funding To Maintain Existing Services and To Augment Drug Treatment and Prevention Services for Residents of San Francisco (Treatment On Demand), February 18, 1997

Supporting the Department of Public Health's Request for Additional Funding for Enhancement of Immunizations for Children and Adults, February 18, 1997

Supporting the Department of Public Health's Proposed Reallocation of Funds and Request for Increase In Total Budget for AIDS Care for FY 1997-98, February 18, 1997

Supporting the Department of Public Health's Request To Further the Implementation of Managed Care, and To Increase Medication Services To Severely Mentally Ill Clients, February 18, 1997

Joint Resolution of  the Health Commission and Fire Commission, February 18, 1997

  • Health Commission Resolution # 10-97
  • Fire Commission Resolution #97-02

Accepting and Approving Contributions from the San Francisco General Hospital Foundation, January 21, 1997


Establishing the City and County of San Francisco Civil Service Commission Policy on Prohibiting Violence in the Workplace as the Policy of the Health Commission

Supporting Legislation to Amend California State Health and Safety Code Section 27360 Regarding Sidewalk Food Display Counters

Approving the Prime Vendors Distribution Program Contract for the Department of Public Health

Endorsing the Efforts of the DPH to Incorporate Productivity Standards into Budget and Planning Decisions

Supporting the DPH's Request to Increase Funding for Select Core Public Health Functions for Fiscal Year 1996-97

Supporting Restructuring Proposals Within the DPH's Proposed 1996-97 Budget, and Applying Savings Accrued from Restructuring to Fund Other High Priority Needs

Urging the BOS to Rename Four Health Centers

Adopting a DPH Sliding Fee Scale for Targeted Case Management Services

Supporting Comprehensive Adolescent Health Planning and Coordination

Supporting the Recommendations of the 1996 SF Emergency Medical Services Configuration Plan

Approving a Performance Agreement Between Two Divisions of DPH: The Division of Mental Health and San Francisco General Hospital, Delineating Responsibilities for Operation of the Mental Health Rehabilitation Facility

Endorsing an Environmental Health Assessment in the Bayview Hunters Point Community

Incorporating Dental Services as a Medical Specialty in the County Medical Assistance Program

Designating the DPH as the Lead Agendy for the Development of a Long Term Care Integrated Pilot Project Under Assembly Bill 1040

Urging the Mayor and the BOS to Continue Support For Presumptive Medicaid Eligibility For Undocumented Pregnant Women

Supporting the SF Healthy Cities: Tenderloing Family Health Care Project

Urging the BOS to Support Collaboration in Regional Economic and Community Development Strategies

Approving the Principles and Policies in the DPH's Proposed Contract Streamlining Plan, and Authorizing the Director of Health to Initiate Changes to the Administrative Code to Streamline the Processing of Service Contracts for the Department of Public Health

Supporting the Continued Provision of Public Benefitis to Undocumented Residents Under the Provisions of Section 411(d) of the Personal Responsibilitiy and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (HR3734)

Amending the San Francisco Adminstrative Code by Adding the San Francisco General Hospital Mental Health Rehabilitation Facilitiy Trust Fund

Transferring the Function of the Paramedic Division from the Department of Public Health into the San Francisco Fire Department

Authorizing the Director of Health to Execute an Agreement, Including Binding Arbitration With Blue Cross of California, to Receive Full Cost Reimbursement for Certain Services Provided to MediCal Beneficiaries in Accordance with State and Federal Law

Revisiting Licence Fees

Authorizing the Director of Health to Explore Potential Collaboration, Affiliation, or Partnership with St. Luke's Hospital and/or Ralph Davis Medical Center


Directing the DPH To Pursue a Long-Term Care Pilot Project

Requesting the Mayor and the BOS to Take in Consideration the Declining Ability of the DPH to Offset General Fund Reductions With Revenues

Endorsing Measures to Be Taken by the DPH Regarding Cryptospordium

Supporting the Seismic Retrofit Project of 101 Grove Street

Approving a Commercial Managed Care Agreement Between the DPH Pacificare Health Plan

Endorsing the Designation of December as HIV/AIDS Awareness Month in San Francisco

Urging the BOS to Consider a Request for Supplemental Funding in the Amount of $578,339 to Support a Breast Cancer Initiative

Establishing the CCSF Civil Service Commisison Policy on Employment of Persons with Disabilities as the Policy of the Health Commission and the DPH

Endorsing the Agreement Between the DPH/SFGH Medical Center and the Dept.of Parking and Traffic to Operate the Hospital Parking System

Urging the Director of Health and the DPH Staff to Explore the Potential for Pursuing a Medicaid 1115 Waiver to Create a More Cost-Effective Way of Providing Health Services to Both Medi-Cal Beneficiaries and Uninsured People in SF

Adopting a DPH Sliding Scale Policy

Endorsing the DPH Application for Certification as a Unified Program Agency

Accepting the DPH Status Report on SF Rape Treatment Center and Adult Sexual Assault Services and Adopting Report Recommendations to Develop an Integrated Sexual Assault Services System

Endorsing the Mission Housing Development Corporation Project at 1010 South Van Ness Avenue

Approving a Policy and Procedure for the Acceptance of Gifts

Determinng Whether the Relocation of the Urgent Care Center of the California Pacific Medical Center (CPMC), Presently at the California Campus, to the Pacific Campus Emergency Department, and the Consolidation of the California Campus Emergency Department into the Pacific Campus, Willl or Will No Have a Detrimental Impact on Health Care Service of the Community

Supporting a Citywide Employee Disaster Survival Plan Policy

Directing the Emergency Medical Services Agendy to Prepare a Configuration Plan by February 1996

Approving the Revised Policies and Procedures Mannual of the DPH Home Health Agency and Recommending the Adoption of the Home Health Agency Fee Schedule to the SF BOS

Endorsing the Designation of October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month in San Francisco and Supporting the Funding of a Breast Cancer Initiative

Supporting the California Association of Public Hospitals (CAPH) SB855 Equity Proposal

Authorizing the DPH to Proceed with Licensure of the Mental Health Rehabilitation Facility, to Contract Out Selective Psychiatric Skilled Nursing Services, and to Approve the Financing Plan for the Rehabilitation Facility

Supporting HIV Prevention Plan

Endorsing the DPH Division of Mental Health Five-Year Supported Housing Plan

Opposing Reductions in Medicaid and Medicare, and Proposed Block Grants

Recommending Repeal of Section 15.7 of the Administative Code (Site Approval Ordinance for Mental Health and Substance Abuse Programs) and Declaring It to Be Department Policy to Inform Neighborhoods of Services Being Offered and to Accommodate Neighborhood Concerns to the Extent Possible

Opposing State Legislation, Which Would Require Mandatory Names Reporting of HIV Infected Persons

Supporting the Joint Proposal Between the DPH/SFGH and the SF International Airport to Staff and Provide Management Oversight of the Airport Medical Clinic

Endorsing the Formation of the San Francisco General Hospital Foundation

Approving an Amendment to the San Francisco Municipal Code Authorizing an Agreement to Make the DPH a Preferred Provider Under the City Administered Health Plan

Amending the Administrative Code Regarding Hold Harmless Agreements

Determining Whether CPMC's Transfer of Skilled Nursing and Acute Rehabilitation Facilities at the Garden Campus, and Skilled Nursing Unit at the California Campus to Guardian Foundation, Will or Will Not Be Detrimental to the Health Services of the Community

Urging the Board of Supervisors to Take a Position in Opposition to Assembly Bill 154

Requesting the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors to Proclaim April 3-9, 1995 "Public Health Week" in the City and County of San Francisco

Endorsing the Health Department's Plan for Transmitting Existing Mental Health Services Provided by California Pacific Medical Center to Other Mental Health Providers

Approving an Agreement Between the DPH and the Department of Human Resources, and a Subcontrct Between the DPH and the Regents of the University of California, Through Which the DPH, In Partnership With the University Will Become the Provider of Workers' Compensation Services for City Employees

Determining Whether the Transfer of CPMC's Five Senior Programs to On Lok, Inc. Will or Will Not Have a a Detrimental Impact on Health Care Service of the Community

Resolution Requesting General Fund Support Beyond the DPH's 1996-96 Baseline Budget to Create a Senior Disaster Registry

Urging the Mayor to Allow the DPH to Retain Indirect Costs That Are Collected Through Its Grants

Urging the Mayor and the BOS to Allocate Additional City Funds Outside of the DPH's Budget for Contribution to SF855, Disproportionate Share Hospital Program
Supporting a Policy to Increase Fees for Health Services


Approving a Contract Between CPHS and CPG to Provide Primary Care Services to Medi-Cal Enrolleees Through a Contract With Pacificare

Supporting the San Francisco Healthy Cities: Mission Immunization Project

Endorsing the Transfer of Funds From the State for the Implementation of Inpatient Component of a Medi-Cal Managed Mental Health Care System in San Francisco

Endorsing Participation in the Medi-Cal Mainstream Plan (the Two-Plan Model) by Entering Into a Letter of Intent with Pacificare

Approving a Medi-Cal Managed Care Contract Between the Department of Public Health and Pacificare

Authorizing the San Francisco DPH to Participate in the State of CA Plan for Emergency Assistance Program Established Pursuant to Title IV-A of the Federal Social Security Act and to Certify Inclusion Into the California Consortium of Heath Departments

Amending the Audit Requirement for Department of Public Health Contracts

Recognizing the Passage and Suspension of Proposition 187

Proposing Recommendations for the Joint Commission Hearing of October 14, 2991 on the Children's Plan for Fiscal Year 1995-96 to the Mayor's Office of Children, Youth, and Their Families

Providing Non-Emergency Health Care Services to Enrolled Members of Managed Care Plans That Do Not Include the DPH as a Provider

Supporting the Health Department's Participation in Both the Local Initiative and the Mainstream Plan of the State Medi-Cal Plan

Supporting Continuing Development of the Provider Health Department Organization and Its Activities in Preparation of Medi-Cal Managed Care

Approving Recommendations of the DPH for Compensation of Certain Specified Employees for Standby Pay

Supporting BOS Resolution #819-94 Opposing the CA Uniform Tobacco Control Act (Proposition 188)

Supporting the Equal Sharing Among the Department of Transportation, Department of Parking and Traffic, and DPH, of the Additional Costs of Soil Remediation at the Site of the SFGH Garage

Accepting the LHH Instituational Master Plan and Authorizing Its Submission to the City Planning Department

Renaming Policy of City-Owned Health Facilities

Recommending to the BOS and the Mayor to Support a Petition Drive to Have Tobacco Products Regulated by the Food and Drug Administration

Supporting the Joint Proposal Between the DPH, SFGH, and UCSF, to Provide a Worker's Compensation Medical Treatment Facility

Endorsing the Continued Exploration of a Proposal for the DPH, SFGH, to Provide a Worker's Compensation Medical Treatment Facility

Consideration of a Proposed BOS Resolution to Oppose Proposition 187, the California "Save Our State" Initiative

Approving Amendments to the Hazardous Materials Ordinanc, Article 21 of the SF Health Code (Ordinance), Exempting Medical Practitioners from Hazardous Materials Certificate of Registration Renewal Requirements, Allowing Businesses to Document Self Inspections on Their Own Forms. And Making Technical Changes to the Fee Schedule

Supporting the Concepts in the PLan of the Senior Services Task Force

Urging the Mayor and BOS to Seek Alternative Funding to Address the State Revenue Shortfall

Urging the BOS and the Mayor to Include the Repeal of Charter Section 8.430 in Any Chart Reform Package Submitted to the Voters

Approving a Contract Between the Solano Countuy Partnership Health Plan and SFGH

Continuing the AIDS Office Federal Funded Care State Funded Health Services, State Funded HIV Testing and State Funded Prevention Contracts

Designating Certain Facilities as Intensive Treatment Facilities Pursuant to Welfare and Institutions Code Sections 5150 and 5250; and Authorizing the Director of Mental Health to Enter Into Agreement with Said Facilities

Supporting the DPH Organization for Health Care Reform

Renaming Health Center #2 The Maxine Hall Health Center

Authorizing Approval of an Amendment to the SF County Adult Day Health Care Plan

Approving the Third Amendment to the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Program Agreement ("Amendment") to Require the City and Sanitary Fill Company, a CA Partnership ("Company"), To Apply for a Standardized Hazardous Waste Facility Permit for the Facility and Establish a Trust Fund to Meet Financial Assurance Requirements

Approving the DPH Enforcement Regulations for the San Francisco Video Display Terminal

Describing the Goals and Roles of LHH Mission Statement

Urging Health Care System Reform

Supporting the DPH to Continue Its Effort to Respond to UCSF Request for Information

Authorizing and Prioritizing on Any Further Fiscal Year 1994-95 Department of Public Health Budget Issues

Endorsing Recommendations from the Women's Health Advisory Committee

Supporting San Francisco's Five-Year HIV/AIDS Housing Plan

Resolution on the Governance Issue of the SF Local Initiative Steering Committee

Requesting the Comment or Assistance of the Human Rights Commisison on the Failure of the Board of Directors of St. Francis Memorial Hospital to Comply With the Affirmative Action Policy of the Health Commission Governing the Approval of Contracts

Endorsing the Development of a Managed Mental Health Care System in San Francisco

Urging the BOS to Approve the Governance Structure for the SF Medi-Cal Managed Care Local Initiative

Approving the DPH's Management Information System's Strategic Direction and Program Plan
Recommending that the DPH Reinvest New Revenues in Identified Capital and Infrastructure Needs Consistent with the Mayor's 1994-95 Budget Instructions and the Charter Amendment Proposed by the BOS

Contracting Regarding Provisions for Fiscal Year 1994-95 by the Health Commission

Urging the Mayor and the BOS by the Health Commission to Fund Needed Health Related Public Safety and Violence Prevention Activities

Establishing the Policy of the Health Commission Concerning 1994 Labor Negotiations with Registered Nurses, Physicians and Dentists

Supporting Emergency Medical Services for National Park Service, Golden Gate National Recreation Area on the Presidio

Determining Whether the CPMC's Strategic Plan Will or Will Not Have a Detrimental Impact on the Health Care Service of the Commmunity

Revising DPH's Mission Statement

Determining Whether the Consolidation of Inpatient Pediatric Services of CPMC Will or Will Not Be Detrimental to the Health Service of the Community

Determining the DPH Strategic Direction for the Health Care Reform

Appointment of Sandra R. Hernandez, MD, as Director of Public Health, Effective January 10, 1994

Recommending That Sections of the Administrative Code Be Repealed

Approving the Affiliation Agreement Between the CCSF and UCSF

Approving Recommendations of the DPH for Compensation of Certain Specified Employees for Standby Pay



Identifying Issues of Concern Related to Health System Reform

Supporting the Advanced Directive Programs

Supporting DPH to Respond to the UCSF Request for Information

Approving the Waiver of the Requirement that the Person Appointed to Fill the Position of Director of DPH be a Physician

Authorizing the DPH to Pursue Qualified Health Center Status for Its Primary Care Clinics

Supporting Proposed Legislation: Article 19E Prohibiting Smoking in Places of Employment and Certain Publicly Owned Sports Arenas

Urging the BOS to Send a Formal Letter of Intent to the Department of Health Services in Order for the CCSF to Develop a Local Initiative for a Managed Care System

Approving an Amendment to the SF Administrative Code Relating to the Acceptance of Gifts

Advising the BOS of the Health Commission's Concerns Regarding Maximum Enrollment Levels of Medi-Cal Beneficiaries Proposed by the State Department of Health Services for the Managed Care Mainstream Plan in SF

Regarding Disignation of the Executive Administrator of LHH as the Appointing Officer for LHH

CCSF Proclaiming July 1993 as TB Awareness Month

Supporting Lease Financing Program for the Purchase of an 800 Hz. Trunking Radio System for the Paramedic Division

Resolution on DPH Budget Cuts for FY 1993-94

Resolution on the Policy of Unsponsored Nonresident Patients of SF

Resolution on Sliding Fee Scale Policy

SF Video Display Terminal Advisory Committee Annual Report

Resolution in Response to the Results of the HIV Youth Report

Resolution Urging the BOS to Advise the Department of Health Services of the CCSF's Interest in Developing a Local Initiative for a Managed Care System

Resolution on the Budget Reductions for the DPH Fiscal Year 1993-94

Resolution Recommending that Proposition D, Which Provides the DPH with the Ability to Enter Into Lease Financing Arrangements, Be Resubmitted to the Voters of SF

Resolution Adopting Priorities for Tobacco Control Legislative Campaign for SF

Resolution Proposing Policies for the Reform of Adult Mental Health Services Into an Integrated Service System Using Clusters

Resolution Approving the SF Master Plan: Reducing the Problems Caused by Alcohol and Other Drugs (Part 1: Needs Assessment Findings and Recommendations)

Resolution of the Proposed Further Reductions for the DPH for FY1992-93 and a Restructuring of the Financial Relationship Between the CCSF and the DPH
Resolution for a San Francisco Wellness Day

Resolution Commemorating 100 Years of Public Health Nursing in the U.S.

DPH Vision Statement Resolution

DPH Mission Statement Resolution

Resolution Endorsing Principles for the Development of a Managed Care System in SF

Resolution Responding to the Civil Service Commission's Response to Establish Class 1168 Director of Health as a Benchmark Class for Salary Standardization for Fiscal Year 1993-94

Resolution in Appreciation to Doug Fong


Resolution on Revisions to Select Contract Policies of the DPH

Resolution Approving Recommendations of the DPH for Compensation of Certain Specified Employees for Standby Pay

Resolution Supporting the Healthy Cities Concept and Participation By the DPH in the California Healthy Cities Project Through the SF Healthy Cities Project

Resolution Endorsing Principles for Health System Reform for the SF DPH

Resolution to Adopt Regulations for Issuance of Federal Facility Refuse Collection Permits

Resolution Endorsing the Mayor's Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Health Services Planning Council Determination of the Allocation of Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency (CARE) Act of 1990 Funds/Title II

Resolution for a Comprehensive Lead Poisoning Prevention Plan

Resolution on Laguna Honda Hospital Bond

Resolution to Support the Prompt Replacement of Positions Vacated Due to Early Retirement (Prop. A)

Resolution of the Health Commission Approving the Certification Process for Children's Services

Resolution to Recommend Redesignation of the Bureau of Environment Health Services as the Local Enforcement Agency for Solid Waste

Resolution to Recommend Adoption of the Revised Hazardous Materials Ordinance

Resolution on the Adoption of a Comprehensive Plan to Prevent the Spread of HIV Infection Among Injection Drug Users in the CCSF


Resolution Regarding Recommendations of the DPH Task Force on Physician Hiring and Compensation

Approving Long-Term Plan for Jail Medical and Psychiatric Services

Resolution on the Intent of the City and County of San Francisco to Implement the Medical Waste Management Act Through Its DPH

Resolution Regarding Recommendations of the DPH for Compensation of Certain Specified Employees for Standby Pay

Emergency Resolution of the Health Commission to Request Funds for the Mount Zion Crisis Clinic Which Is Scheduled to Close March 1, 1991

Resolution on a Policy Regarding HIV Infected Health Care Workers

Resolution Endorsing the Mayor's HIV Health Services Planning Council Determination of the Allocation of Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency Care Act of 1990 Funds

Resolution Accepting Staffing and Operating Cost Estimates for the New Sheriff's Facility

Resolution Adopting Final Environmental Impact Report Findings That The Construction of a Mental Skilled Nursing Facility at SFGH Will Not Have a Significant Impact on the Environment, Adopting Proposition "M" Findings, And Approving Project Plans

Resolution Approving the Emergency Medical Services Fund Program Policy

Resolution on a Statement Regarding Tobacco Awareness Week

Resolution of the Health Commission to Endorse an Ordinance to Amend the Administrative Provision of the Annual Appropriation Ordinance to Allow Appropriation and Expenditure of Interest Earned on AB 75 Tobacco Tax Funds

Resolution Approving the Transfer of the DPH Community Mental Health Services-Substitute Payee Program to the Office of the Public Administrator/Public Guardian

Resolution of the Health Commission Reaffirming Its Policies to Support the Creation of Additional Low Income Permanent Housing for Mentally Disabled and Substance Abuse Clients, And Supporting the Housing for Independent People and the Mental Health Association Grant Application to Increase the Housing Capacity for Mentally Disabled

Requesting Opposition to the Enactment of Senate Bill 376, State Legislation Regarding Tobacco Control Which Would Preempt Local Ordinances Or Regulations That Attempt to Regulate the Sale, Distribution, Advertising, or Promotion of Tobacco Products, Smoking Public Places, or Smoking in Workplaces Excepting Local Ordinances in Effect on July 1, 1991

Requesting Support for the Mayor's Action Challenging the US Commerse Secretary's Refusal to Revise the 1990 US Census Population Figures, Despite Evidence That More Than 5 Million People Nationwide Were Overlooked in the Original Count

Resolution Requesting Quarterly Reports From CPMC

Resolution on the CDC's Proposed Change in the Definition of AIDS
Resolution Approving Recommendations of the DPH for Compensation of Certain Specified Employees for Standby Pay

Resolution on Suspension of the Bone Marrow Transplant Service Program

Resolution Endorsing the Mayor's HIV Health Services Planning Council Determination of the Allocation of Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency Care Act of 1990 Funds/Title II

Resolution Authorizing Approval of Amendments to the SF County Adult Day Health Plan

Resolution on Women's Health (#1)

Amended: Proposed Amendment to the Resolution on Women's Health

Resolution Commending 50 Years of Service of Irwin Memorial Blood Centers

Resolution for County Hazardous Waste Management Plan


Resolution Honoring Ruth Cummings

Resolution on Public Hearings on Hazardout Waste, Storage, and Disposal

Resolution on the 1989 Earthquake Safety Bond Issue

Resolution on the Transfer of McKinley Square and Park AID Station

Resolution in Support of US Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Louis Sullivan, M.D.

Resolution on the Definition of Catastrophic Illness

Resolution Regarding Physician and Hospital Services Under AB75

Resolution on (MSG) Monosodium L-Glutamate

Resolution Regarding the AB 75 Physician Services Fund

Resolution Regarding New Funding Requests for new Homeless Initiative

Resolution Regarding Phase I Plan for the Health Education Component of AB 75

Resolution Regarding Prevention Measures to Contain the Measles Epidemic

Resolution Authorizing the Director of Health, With the Controller, To Enter Into a Loan Agreement With The California Health Facilities Financing Authority

Resolution of Health Commission to Endorse Establishment Of An Ordinance to Govern The Payment of Claims From Physicians And Hospitals For Certain Medical Services Provided to Patients From Funds Obtained Through The Cigarette And Tobacco Surtax Initiative

Resolution on the United States Govenment Statute Which Restricts The Travel of Foreign Visitors With HIV Infection Into the United States

Resolution Honoring Stephen McNeill (Document Missing)

Resolution Regarding AB 75 Data Requirements and Health Care

Resolution To Support The Heart In the Black Community Program

Resolution Authorizing The DPH Services to Submit Phases I and II of the Local Tobacco Control Health Education Plan, and to Accept and Expend the State Allocation For 1989-90

Resolution on General Assistance Income Disregard Program

Resolution Regarding Quality /Utilization Review For the CHIP Hospital and Physician Program

Resolution Regarding Development of a System of Care for Complex Patients With Combined Medical and Psychiatric Problems

Resolution of the Health Commission on Policies to Increase Permanent Housing for Clientsof the Division of Mental Health, Substance Abuse and Forensic Services

Resolution Regarding the Allocation of AB75 Capital Outlay Funds

Resolution Submitting the San Francisco DPH Strategic Plan for Mental Healt, Substance Abuse and Forensic Services to the BOS and Urging the BOS to Approve this Plan

Memorializing and Supporting the Current Policy of Both SF Public and Private Hospitals to Allow Visits from Persons with Significant But Not Regally Recognized Relationships to Patients, Such as Domestic Partners, and to the Children and Other Relatives of Such Persons, on the Basis That They Allow Visits From Family Members and Directing the Director of Health to Encourage All Hospitals to Embody This Policy in Writing if They Have Not Done So And To Provide Information On the Appointment of a Durable Power of Attorney For Health Care

Resolution on Amending Section 24 of the DPH Contract Policy

Resolution on State Budget Deficit

Resolution on the 1990 Earthquake Safety Bond Fund

Resolution Urging the BOS to Reconsider the Mayor's Tax Proposals

Resolutoin on Guiding Principles for Additional Budget Reductions Necessitated By Increased State Funding Reductions for FY1990-91

Appointment of Acting Director of Public Health

Resolution on the Proposed Merger of Pacific Presbyterian and Children's Hospitals

Resolution on Select Contract Policies of the DPH

Resolution Appointing Raymond Baxter, Ph.D, as Director of Public Health in San Francisco

Resolution on the Discontinuance of Obstetrical Services at St. Mary's Hospital

Resolution of the Health Commission Declaring Its Policy to Support Methadone Maintenance As A Treatment For Heroin Addiction When Used In Conjunction With Other Drug Treatment Options

Resolution On Report To the Finance Committee of the BOS from the Expanded Planning Advisory Group


A Resolution on Low Cost Loans to Board and Care Homes and Commuinty Based Residential Facilities

Resolution to Approve The DPH Baseline Budget and the Funding Issues for FY89-90

A Resolution Authorizing the Director of Health to Admit Patients for Acute Psychiatric Inpatient Care at Appropriate Community Hospitals in SF on an Emergency Basis

A Resolution Urging the State Department of Mental Health to Admit SF Patients Into Napa State Hospial Up to the SF Allocation for FY 1989-90

Resolution Proposing a Sliding Scale and Billing Fee Policy for SFGH and District Health Centers

Resolution on Emergency Medical Services

Resolution on Crack Cocaine

Resolution on VD Awareness Month

Resolution on the Acceptance of the Fact Finder's Recommendation

Resolution to Support a New Program, Heart in the Black Community

Resolution on Continued Funding for Health Services Demonstration Projects

Resolution Authorizing the Director of Health, With the Controller, to Enter into a Loan Agreement With the California Health Facilities Financing Authority

Resolution to Commend the Chinese Community Cardiac Council of the American Heart Association, San Francisco Chapter

Resolution on Determining Whether the Closing of the Mt. Zion Dental Clinic Will or Will Not Have a Detrimental Impact on the Health Care Service of the Community

Resolution on Determining Whether the Transfer of Management of French Hospital to Kaiser Foundation Hospital and Kaiser Foundation Health Plan Will or Will Not Have a Detrimental Impact on Health Care Service of the Community

Proposed Resolution on Low Cost Loan to Board and Care Homes (No Copy on File)

Resolution on State Cutbacks in Family Planning Services

Resolution on State Cutbacks in Mental Health Services

Rules of Order (No Copy on File)

Resolution on AIDS Education in the Jails

Resolution on Recommendation to the BOS to Reject a Proposed Charter Amendment to Consolidate Various Classifications Under the Sheriff

Resolution to Commend and Support the Development of a Program to Provide Skilled Nursing Services to Persons With HIV DIsease at LHH

Resolution on Adoption of a Comprehensive Program to Prevent Spread of HIV Infection Among IV Drug Users

Gulding Principles for Long-Term Strategic Proving Guiding Principles for Development of Long-Term Strategic Plan for Jail Medical and Psychiatric Services

#156 Skipped

Resolution Concerning the Use of HIV Antibody Testing in SF

Resolution Endorsing the Mutual Commitment of the DPH and the Community Hospitals in Executing the DPH Community Hospitals MOUS, the Reciprocal Transfer Agreement, and EMS Participation Agreement

Resolution on the Mt. Zion/UCSF Integration

Resolution on Primary Care


Resolution to Authorize the DPH to Enter into an Agreement with SF Housing Authority to Conduct a Needs Assessment Survey

Resolution to Approve 1988-89 DPH Budget for Submission to the Controller and the Mayor

Resolution Committing the DPH to Participating in an Interdepartmental Forum Convened Through the Mayor's Office to Develop Affordable Housing for People With AIDS/ARC and Other Healthcare Needs

Resolution on Community-Based Contractors and Essential Health Services

Dr. Tom Waddell Clinic Dedication

Resolution of the Health Commission Requesting the Mayor and the BOS to Request the State Legislature to Increase Funding of County Community Based Mental Health Services

Resolution to Adopt Underground Storage Tank Regulations

Resolution Supporting a Statewide Program to Provide Senior Medication Education Service to Older Adults in California

A Resolution Approving an Amendment to the Transfer to Provide Certain Benefits to the Tranferred Employees

A Resolution on Contract Policies of DPH

Resolution Declaring an Emergency Regarding Compliance of the Consent Decree for Jail Medical and Psychiatric Services and Authorizing the Department to Request Emergency Reserve Funds for the Consent Decree Supplemental Appropriation

Resolution Approving Revised Fee Schedule for the Hazardous Materials Program for 1988-89 of the Bureau of Environmental Health, Toxics Control Program

Resolution Approving a Revised Fee Schedule for 1988-89 of the Bureau of Environmental Health, Consumer Protection

Resolution on Contract Policy Regarding the Selection Process for Ongoing Health Services for Fiscal Years 1989-90, 1990-91

Resolution Submitting the County Short-Doyle Plan for Mental Health Services for Fiscal Year 1988-89, Part A, to the BOS, Urging the BOS to Approve this Plan and Submit it to the State Department fo Mental Health

Resolution on Funding for Refugee Preventive Health Programs

Resolution to Support the Mayor's Revenue Package and the Supplemental Appropriation Restoring Budget Cuts in the DPH

Resolution to Support the Mayor's Revenue Package an Supplemental Budget

Resolution in Support of Govenor's Approval of Augmentation to State Budget for Funding of Health Services

Resolution Authorizing SFGH to Implement New Service Rates for Fiscal Year 1988-89

Resolutiion Approving the Amendment to the Administrative Code Authorizing the Health Commission to Execute Hold Harmless Agreements with Institutions for the Review of Medical Records to Identify Reportable Diseases or Conditions

Resolution Approving the Amendments to the Administrrative Code Authorizing the Health Commission to Execute Hold Harmless Agreements With Medical Institutations Providing Specialized Medical Training

A Resolution Approving an Amendment to the San Francisco Municipal Code to Require that All Dogs be Vaccinated Against Rabies

Resolution on the President's Response to the Recommendations from the President's Commission on AIDS

Resoluttion to Support Efforts to Obtain the U.S. Public Health Service Hospital as a Regional Facility for AIDS Care

A Resolution on Implementation of the Non-Smoking Ordinance

A Resolution on State Mental Health Hospital Bed Reductions

Authorizing the Secretary to the Health Commission to Approve Applicantions for Grants that Comply with Policies of the Health Commission and the DPH

Resolution Supporting a Joint Relationship Between SF Medical Center Outpatient Improvement Program, Inc. and the DPH


Resolution of the Health Commission Declaring It the Intention of the DPH to Accept All Patients AT SFGH and to End the Practice of Diverting Patients to Other Hospitals (Unsigned)

Resolution of the Health Commission Declaring It the Policy of the DPH That State Funding for the Care of Medically Indigent Adults (MIAs) Be Allocated to the DPH and Its Contract Agencies

Resolution of the Health Commission Declaring that Future Leases of Space Within the DPH Facilities Be Brought Before the Health Commission

Resolution Approving Mental Health and Forensic Services' Five-Year Plan and Associated Budget Augmentation for FY 1987-88

Resolution Approving Preliminary Substance Abuse Services Five-Year Plan and Associated Budget Augmentation for FY 1987-88

Agreement Between the City and County of SF and the Regents of the UCSF for Affiliation at SFGH

Resolution to Approve the SF City and County Short-Doyle Plan for Mental Health Services in Fiscal Year 1986-87, Part B (Unsigned)

Resolution to Require Motorcyclists to Wear Helmets in California (Unsigned)

#87 skipped

Resolution of the Health Commission to Endorse and Encourage a Pilot Project at SFGH to Increase Minority and Women Business Enterprise Participation in the Procurement Process

Resolution Authorizing the Director of Health to Transfer Funds Within Existing Budgets Consistent With the Charter and Annual Appropriate Ordinance

Resolution Appointing Mental Health Conservatorship for the City and County of SF

Resolution on the Disengagement Proposal in the Governor's 1987-88 Budget for the State of California

Resolution to Support Efforts to Obtain the US Public Health Service Hospital as a Regional Facility for AIDS Skilled Nursing Care

A Resolution in Memory of Bobby Reynolds

Resolution in Appreciation of the Stop AIDS Project

Resolution for a New Mental Health Skilled Nursing Center

#95 skipped

Resolution on HIV Antibody Testing

Resolution to Authorize Director of Public Health to Pursue Development of a "Friends of the Health Department" Non-Profit, Tax-Exempt Corporation

Resolution to Amend Administrative Code Deleting Section that Requires Mental Health and Substance Abuse Contracts Be Reviewed and Approved by the BOS

Resolution Regarding the Use of AB 650 Revenue Transfer Funds Provided to Countries

Opposing Requirements For Parental Consent for Parental Consent for Abortions for Minors (no copy on file)

Resolution Authorizing the Division of Mental Health Programs to Use French Hospital and Other Community Hospitals for Adult Inpatients on an Emergency Basis (Unsigned)

Resolution in Support of Amending Chapter 15 of the Adminstrative Code By Adding Section 15.7-1 Thereto, Stating Standards for Mental Health Services

Proposed Resolutions on Select Contract Policies for DPH

Child Sex Abuse Victims' Protection and Offender Treatment


Resolution Recommending That the Use of Volative Alkyl Nitrites(Poppers) Be Banned in Public Places and Recommending That Warnings Currently Used Be Posted At Eye Level and Amended to Include Information on the Association Between the Use of Volatile Alkyl Nitrites and the Development of Certain Kinds of AIDS (Copy not on file)

Resolution Accepting the Report on the Control of Perinatally Transmitted HILV-II/LAV Associated Virus Infection and Care of Infected Mothers, Infants and Pre-School Aged Children and Adopting the Recommenations As Official Guidelines for the DPH

Resolution Supporting the DPH's Implementation of a Safety Belt Usage Policy For City Employees

Resolution Authorizing the DPH to Apply for State Licensure and Certification to Provide and Receive Reimbursement for Home Health Care Services

Resolution of the Health Commission Declaring the Need to Expedite the Expansion and Renovation of the Psychiatric Emergency Room As An Emergency

Resolution of the Health Commission Declaring a Policy That Mental Health Programs Shall Have Bilingual and Bicultural Staffing IN Adequate Proportions and That All Programs Provide Culturally Relevant Treatment

Resolution Affirming the Agreement Between SFGH and Local 790 Regarding the Hospital's Contract With Health Management Services (no copy on file)

Resolution Urging That Existing Legislation Limiting the Sale of Smokeless Tobacco Products Be Expanded, and That An Ordinance Be Adopted Requiring That Warning Signs of the Health Hazards of Using Smokelyess Tobacco Be Posted at The Point of Sale

Resolution Approving the Submission of Joint Applications With the Commission on Aging and the Department of Social Services for Projects for the Elderly and Supporting Collaboration of the Staff of the Three Agencies

Resolution Supporting the BOS Proposed Ordinance to Require the Disclosure of Ingrediant and Nutrition Information of Food Sold in Fast Food Establishments

Resolution Adopting a Program for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in Childcare Centers in SF

Resolution of the Health Commission Declaring Its Opposition to the Gann Initiative Which Would Limit the Salaries and Compensation of Public Employees

Resolution In Opposition to the Larouch Initiative Which Requires Mandatory Testing of Persons Suspected to Have the AIDS Antibody

Resolution of the Health Commission Declaring Opposition to the Elimination of a $50 Million Statewide Augmentation for MIA Services in the 1986-87 State Budget

Resolution of the Health Commission Declaring Its Opposition to the Proposed Changes to the Medi-Cal Regulations Defining Sub-Acute Level of Medi-Cal Reimbursed Services

Resolution to Commend Kenneth Dunnigan, M.D., M.P.H. and Health Center One as a Mayor Primary Care Site For Patients With ARC (AIDS Related Complex)

Resolution of the Commission Declaring Policy That the Mental Health Department Shall Expand Subacute and Community Based Services in This Fiscal Year, and that a Mental Health Plan Be Developed Prior to the Development of the Budget Each Year

Resolution of the Health Commission in Support of an Adult Residential Care Facility From the State Department of Social Services for Coming Home Hospice

Resolution of the Health Commision in Support of Proposed Legislation to Ban Cigarette Advertising on City Property and By Bill Boards in SF

Resolution Authorizing the DPH to Develop a Program to Provide Housing and Case Management Services to Homeless Persons with AIDS and ARC


Resolution Authorizing the Secretary of the Health Commission to Sign Routine Documents, Including, But Not Limited To, Financial Documents For the Controller's Office And Personnel Documents for the Civil Service Commission

Resolution Delegating "Appointing Officer" Authority to the Deputy Administrator For Operations of SFGH Medical Center

Resolution Authorizing Settlement of Litigation of Monna Vanna Palmer, Individually and as Guardian Ad Litem for Amy Palmer, a Minor, Vs. CCSF, in the Amount of $325,000

Resolution Urging the Reagan Administration to Expend All Biomedical Research Funding in 1985 At Levels Intended By Congress

Resolution Supporting Assembly Bill 488 (Roos0, Relating to Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)

Resolution Specifying the Goverance Authority for the SFGH, LHH and Other Health Care Programs of the DPH

Resolution Supporting Assembly Bill 403 (Agnos), If Amended, Relating to AIDS

Resolution Commending Dr. Mervyn F. Silverman for Outstanding Service to the DPH and CCSF

Resolutiion Commending Those Individuals Responsible for Their Efforts in Bringing SFGH in Compliance With Federal and State Regulations in Order to Meet Accreditation Requirements

Resolution Authorizing Settlement of Litigation of Joseph Gundlach Vs. CCSF, in the amount of $5,000.00

Resolution Establishing a Policy for AIDS Education Pursuant to the BOS's Resolution No 124-85

Resolution Authorizing Settlement of Litigation of Leonore Delusia Vs. CCSF in the Amount of $10,000.00

Modical Claim (no copy on file)

Resolution Asserting a Policy for Access to Psychiatric Emergency Facilities

Resolution Urging the BOS to Name the Children's Health Center Outpatient Clinic, Department of Pediatrics, Sixth Floor of SFGH, Medical Center in Commemoration of Dr. Delmer J. Pascoe

Resolution Urging the BOs to Support State Legislation Which Will Expand and Enhance Social and Health Care Services for Persons with AIDS

Resolution Commending SFGH and LHH in Recognition and Observation of National Hospital Week

Resolution Urging the BOS and the Mayor to Submit a Charter Amendment Regarding Employees of the State of California Department of Mental Health to the Voters of SF on November 5 ,1985

Resolution Approving the Application for Funds Under the California Senior Center Bond Act of 1984 for North of Market Multipurpose Senior Services Kitchen Renovation

Physicians Request for Supplemental Appropriation (no copy on file)

Short Doyle Plan (no copy on file)

Resolution Authoriizing Settlements of Litigation of Catherine Chan, a Minor, Through Her Guardian Ad Litem, Vs. CCSF and the U.C. Regents for $362,917.00

Resolution Authorizing Settlements of Litigation of Antoinette Modica Vs. City CCSF, Et Al, In the Amount of $233,641.00

Untitled: "Director May Settle and Compromise or Accept Payment in Full, Any Claim In Favor of or Against This Commission Which Does Not Exceed In Amount of a Sum of $5,000"

Untitled: Amendment to Rules of Order

Untitled: Amendment to Rules of Order

Resolution Prohibiting the Sales of Tobacco Products on DPH Premises

Resolution Requesting the Director of Health to Report Revenue and Expenditures to the Health Commission at Regulaor Monthly Intervals

Resolution to Authorize the DPH to Submit Resolutions to Apply for, Accept and Expend Grant Funds for the Calendar of the BOS at the Same Time That Those Resolutions Are Calendared for Review by the Health Commission

Resolution Authorizing the Secretary of the Health Commission to Enter Into Agreements for the Renewal of Leased Real Property

Resolution Requesting the Civil Service Commission to Augment Existing Health Care Professional Classifications to Permit Physician Assistants to Be Employed by the DPH

Resolution of the Health Commission Supporting the Existing Practice of Water Floridation in SF

Resolution Authorizing the DPH to Enter Into An Agreement With Calstar to Transport Critically Ill and Injured Patients to SFGH By Helicopter

Request to the Mayor and BOS to Declare a CCSF Policy in Favor of Planned Parenthood's Litigation to Overturn the Antiabortion Restrictions in the State's 1985/86 Budget Act; and Urging the City Attorney to Join Planned Parenthood's Lawsuit

Resolution Inviting the Commissioners from the Department of Social Services and the Commission on Aging to Form a Working Group for Policy Coordination

Resolution Approving the Reorganization of the Citizen Advisory Boards for Mental Health Services

Grant Approval (no copy on file)

Resolution Declaring a Policy to Offer Bilingual Health Care at the Emergency Room, Psychiatric Emergency Room, Pharmacy, and Labor and Delivery Department at SFGH

Resolution Urging the Mayor to Support Inter-Departmental Agreements for the Development of Long-Term Residential Housing Units

Resolution Commending the Staff and Volunteers of LHH for Their Dedication, Hard Work, and Exemplary Patient Care

Resoliution Joining the Mayor In Her Desire to Comply With the State Licensing Requirements and Joining the Mayor in Supporting LHH's Open Ward Settings, Its Exemplary Patient Care and Its Volunteers and Staff

Resolution Urging the BOS to Approve the SFCC Short-Doyle Plan for Mental Health Services in Fiscal Year 1985-86, Part A

Resolution Establishing a Blue Ribbon Committee to Review and Evaluate the Policies of LHH

Resolution Declaring a Policy to Increase Mental Health Services to Children

Resolution Authorizing the DPH to Use Sole Sounce Selection Procedures to Contract for Polydrug Abuse Counseling Services to the Gay Population in Order to Meet the Need of the AIDS Crisis

Resolution Declaring a Policy to Contract For New Health Services by Using Competitive Selection Procedures

Resolution Authorizing the DPH Mental Health Services to Establish a Substitute Payee Program for Residents of San Francisco

Resolution Commending Dr. Lorraine H. Smookler For Thirty Years of Service With the SFGH and Congratulating Dr. Smookler On Her Retirement

Resolution Supporting the Concept of World Health Day and Supporting the DPH Participation in World Health Day (unsigned)

Approving Transfer of Hazardous Materials (no copy on file)

Approving Fee Schedule Hazardous Materials (no copy on file)

Resolution Accepting the Department's Plan to Balance the FY 1985-86 Budget and Authorizing the President of the Commission to Transmit This Plan to the Mayor and BOS

Hotel Rooms (no copy on file)

Resolution Approving Fees for Certification and Recertification of Pre-Hospital Personnel

Resolution Approving an Increase in the Fees Charged at the Health Centers and the City Clinic and Authorizing the Department to Charge the Higher Fees as of January 13, 1985

Resolution Approving the Continuation of the Fees at the Health Centers and Reducing the Fee for the Blood Pressure Screening From $5 to $1

Resolution Recommending That the Use of Volatile Alkyl Nitrites (Poppers) Be Banned In Public Places And Recommending That Warnings Currently Used Be Posted At The Eye Level and Amended to Include Information On the Association Between the use of Volatile Alkyl Nitrites and the Development of Certain Kinds of AIDS